The audit firm “PrimAudit Company” S.R.L. was founded in 2010 and it is a (100%) private equity Company, the founder - Catalina Clasevici.
“PrimAudit Company” S.R.L. provides the following services:
- Audit of financial statements, including for insurance companies,
- Analysis of economic and financial activity,
- Consultancy on financial and accounting fields,
- Consultancy in the field of tax law for business optimization and protection against risks,
- Consultancy on IFRS,
- Accounting services.
4 certified auditors with audit certificates for the general audit are active at the company.
The director of "PrimAudit Company" S.R.L., Mrs. Cătălina Claşevici, holds the auditor's certificate for the general audit - AG000272 and the certificate for the audit of professional participants in the insurance market - APFN 0000065.
The company's auditors Cătălina Clașevici and Cristina Gherman successfully passed the exam organized by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) established in Great Britain and hold international qualification diplomas in accounting and auditing regarding international financial reporting (DipIFR).
All the company's auditors have more than 10 years of experience and numerous certificates of participation in various trainings.
Auditors "PrimAudit Company" S.R.L. are full members of the Association of Professional Accountants and Auditors from the Republic of Moldova (ACAP), an association which in turn is a member of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).
Due to the experience gained, we have the required capability to perform any financial audit mission in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing.
Our company has provided audit services to the undertakings that operate in various sectors: trade, services, insurance companies, microfinance institutions, NGOs, leasing companies, companies in the wine sector, construction, gasification, IT services, and many others.
In all cases, in the provision of services, “PrimAudit Company” S.R.L. guarantees professionalism, independence, objectivity and confidentiality.
Oferim clientului cel mai avantajos coraport dintre preț – calitate. Ne îndeplinim obligaţiile în conformitate cu tehnicile şi practicile profesionale generale acceptate, folosim tehnologii avansate şi metode de securitate a informației, ceea ce ne permite să efectuam activitățile de audit în orice regiune a țării.
The company auditors strictly comply with professional ethics requirements, have a wealth of experience and extensive knowledge of national legislation.
Audit services will be provided in a timely manner, in accordance with the service delivery plan – chart, coordinated with the Company administration.
“PrimAudit Company” S.R.L. has the audit risk ensured in accordance with the art. 26 paragraph (2) letter a) of the Law on Financial Situations Audit no. 271 of 15.12.2017.
Our company respects the quality control bonds for audit work and it had no sanctions from the the Audit Oversight Board.
Our Clients
Some description text for this item
- SRL ”Lux Proba Grup”
- SRL ”Acvilin-Grup”
- SRL ”Telprod-Com”
- Casa comercială ”Aquatrade” SRL
- SRL ”Rusnac-Moldaqua”
- ÎM ”Arobs Software” SRL
- SRL ”M-Testing”
- SRL ”Goiana Petr. Co”
- SRL ”ICG Engineering”
- SRL ”IT Fed-Co”
- SRL ”Privato-CB”
- SRL ”Magnific Nord”
- SRL ”Aspira IT”
- ÎCS ”Pro Digital” SRL
- SC ”Grand Premium” SRL
- SRL ”Olmosdon”
- ÎCS ”Reliable Solutions Distribuitor” SRL
- ÎCS ”Computaris International” SRL
- SRL ”Qalize Software” SRL
- SRL ”Rangval Services”
- Compania de Asigurări “Galas” SA
- Compania “Intact Asigurări Generale” SA
- Compania de Asigurări ”Moldova-Astrovaz” SA
- Organizația de creditare nebancară ”Open Door Credit” SRL
- Alianța ONG-urilor active în domeniul protecției sociale, a copilului și familiei